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Whether you have an older adult livestock guardian dog or a new pup, learn how to introduce LGD to goats to protect the goat herd.
Experience the taste of summer by making this blackberry jelly recipe using blackberry juice, sugar, pectin, and love!
Get ready for blackberry season by learning the best time for picking blackberries in the wild or on the farm!
If you own goats, like pygmy, dwarf, or Kiko, you need to know how to trim goat hooves often to keep your herd in the best health.
Treat pink eye in goats at home to cure this contagious disease that can spread to the herd, even the babies.
For the best method to keep your livestock in and your LGD free to come and go, you can try this DIY jump gate for dogs.
It's no surprise that pigs can get worms. Learn the symptoms and natural methods for worming pigs to produce the healthiest meat.
We recommend fertilizing sweet corn to give your crops the best start. Read on to find out how to use nitrogen fertilizers after you plant.
Discover how to plant corn by the row in any garden. You can grow the best sweet corn from seed without needing acres of land.
Learn how to get rid of squash bugs, much like stink bugs, with a natural, organic spray that will kill the egg, nymph, and adult bugs.
Plant your garden indoors - Grow hydroponic strawberries in water full of nutrients for the best tasting strawberries on the farm!
Keep your apple and pear tree free of disease with a fire blight treatment spray while protecting pollinators’ food sources.

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